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Mariarosaria Taddeo

The unexpected turn: from the democratic Internet to the Panopticon

In the last ten years ICTs (information and communication technologies) have been increasingly used by militaries both to develop new weapons and to improve communication and propaganda campaigns. So much so that military often refers to ‘information’ as the fifth dimension of warfare in addition to land, sea, air and space. Given this scenario does… Read More »The unexpected turn: from the democratic Internet to the Panopticon

Individual privacy and the conduct of web users

From October the 12th to the 14th London will host the RSA conference, which gathers together information security experts from across the world to discuss the most pertinent emerging issues in information security.

The safeguarding of users’ privacy is one of the most important and frequently discussed issues in the field of information security, and is therefore a major topic of the RSA conference. In particular, BT's chief technology officer, Mr Schneier expressed his concern about how web companies deal with users’ privacy; he stressed the need for regulations and laws to create or encourage improved management of this issue (

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Robots as companion for human beings, a reflection on the information revolution

At the beginning of this month the NYT reported a highly interesting article on the use of robots in daily practises and activities, including a doctor using a robot to aid her in checking the health condition of a patient or a manager attending an office meeting using a robot avatar, complete with screen, camera,… Read More »Robots as companion for human beings, a reflection on the information revolution

Off- and on-line, an outdated distinction

Almost a month ago the websites of several newspapers and magazines ( reported the case of a young girl (11 years old) from Florida, known as Jessi Slaughter, who had been posting videos online (, which had been picked up by Stickydrama, a social networking tabloid website. One of the videos was a rather childish… Read More »Off- and on-line, an outdated distinction

Cyber-war – the rhetoric of a disruptive and non-destructive warfare

Mariarosaria Taddeo

BBC news ( reported yesterday that the US Senate is about to appoint Lt General Keith Alexander as head of the U.S. Cyber Command ( This is a United States armed forces’ sub-unified command. The USCybercom, as it is abbreviated, manages USA cyber-warfare.
The existence of this command and the military career of the man who leads it prove one more time the importance that cyber-warfare is gaining in the contemporary political and military strategies.

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