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Event Announcement: Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing Workshop May 21

The Ethox Centre and the Programme on the Ethics of New Biosciences are co-organising a one-day workshop to explore the ethical and regulatory issues surrounding the recent development and marketing of direct to consumer genetic tests.

Companies such as deCODE Genetics, 23andME and DNADirect are already marketing direct to consumer genetic tests but there has so far been little in-depth discussion about the potential benefits and risks of such tests, and how to manage them through regulation. The workshop will bring together experts in ethics, science, business and law to discuss the scientific, commercial, consumer, ethical and regulatory aspects and to consider how to ensure this emerging market is properly managed.

Currently confirmed speakers include:

Jonathan Wolff (Nuffield Council on Bioethics and University College London)
Rob Reid (Which? Magazine)
Stuart Hogarth (Centre for Biomedicine and Society at King's College London)
Helen Wallace (GeneWatch UK)

The workshop will be held on May 21 at the James Martin 21st Century School, Old Indian Institute, 34 Broad Street Oxford OX1 3BD, from 10am to 5pm. To reserve a place or for more information, please email

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