Jeremy Hunt, Abortion, and the Sorites Paradox
Controversy erupted last week when the UK Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, said that the law on abortion should be changed. But before looking at what he said, can I ask what you think? Here are some options:
Read MorePhysician Assisted Suicide and the Conflict Between Autonomy and Non-Maleficence
In the run-up to the 6th November ballot in Massachussets concerning the prescription of medication to end life, two prominent US physicians, Dr. Ronald Pies and Dr. John Grohol, have been debating the pros and cons of physician assisted su…
Read MoreA Tale of a Designer Baby and Distributive Injustice
Melissa and Brad’s story is a heart wrenching one. Having to sell the family car in order to have a healthy baby. From the government’s perspective, this is a bizarre situation. The care of a baby born with cystic fibrosis can cost over hal…
Read MoreMelissa and Brad’s Story: Designer Babies
When Brad and I started dating in early 2008, Brad mentioned that if our relationship ended with us having a baby, it would be best if I was tested to see if I carried the CF gene. We meet with the geneticist at Hunter Genetics in Newcastle…
Read MoreDesigner Babies
Tonight at 8.30 p.m. Australian Time, SBS will be airing a show on Deisgner Babies. I’ll be live tweeting during the show, and in the meantime, here are a few links to some opinion pieces, media and papers I’ve written on the to…
Read MoreWhy strongly encouraging or legally enforcing bike helmets is not necesserily a good idea
In Australia and New Zealand wearing bike helmets is compulsory. In the United States, bike helmets are strongly promoted. The message in these countries is clear – not wearing a bike helmet is stupid because it can significantly damage you…
Read MoreYamanaka Wins Nobel Prize for Ethics
by Julian Savulescu, Uehiro Chair in Practical Ethics & Director, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics Yamaka and Gurdon have jointly won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, for the discovery that mature cells can be reprog…
Read MoreShould you be prosecuted for feeding junk food to your child?
By Charles Foster Fast food permanently reduces children’s IQ, a recent and unsurprising study reports. What should be done? The answer is ethically and legally simple. Parents who feed their children junk food, knowing of the attend…
Read MoreWhat is the chance of an MP being wrong?
When MPs took a maths exam it showed that the members of parliament are pretty bad at elementary probability. When asked “if you spin a coin twice, what is the probability of getting two heads?” 47% of conservatives and 77% of t…
Read MoreBanning conversion therapies
The Governor of California, Jerry Brown, has signed a Bill that will ban ‘conversion’ or ‘reparative’ therapies in that State. These are interventions that aim at ‘curing’ homosexuality or at least, controlling homosexual desires. There hav…
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