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Numeracy vs feel-good

Numeracy vs feel-good

Most people would agree that increasing energy efficiency is a sensible thing to do, both as a cost-saving measure, to conserve limited fossil fuels and to lower climate impacts. But being willing to save energy does not mean one is efficient in doing so: a new study shows that people are bad at estimating how large energy savings are (or, as The Register put it more forcefully, "People have NO BLOODY IDEA about saving energy"). People tended to think that curtailment (e.g. turning off lights, driving less) was more effective than efficiency improvements (e.g. installing better light bulbs or appliances). They tended to overestimate the benefits of small savings like removing cellphone chargers and underestimate the benefits of large savings such as reducing heating. The study authors somewhat predictably concluded that well-designed efforts to improve public understanding of energy savings would be useful. But would they?

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Is it criminal not to breastfeed?

by Rebecca Roache

The Brazilian
model Gisele Bundchen recently—and controversially—
claimed that mothers should
be required by law to breastfeed their babies for the first six months of their
A few days later, she
partially retracted the claim on her blog, insisting that her talk of a breastfeeding law should
not be taken literally.  It was simply a way of expressing her belief in the
importance of doing the best for her child. 
After all, legally enforcing breastfeeding would be madness, right?

according to the Indonesian government. 
It recently passed a law giving babies the right to six months of
exclusive breastfeeding
except in cases where medical problems prevent their mothers from breastfeeding.  Mothers who do not comply face a year in
prison or a fine of 100,000,000 Rupiahs (around £7,100), and those who prevent
mothers from fulfilling their breastfeeding obligations also face punishments.  Scientists and health professionals generally
agree that breastfeeding is healthier for babies than the alternatives (see,
for example,
that not enough mothers do it (see here),
and governments around the world invest huge sums trying to get mothers to
breastfeed.  But is criminalising non-breastfeeding mothers a good idea?

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Demedicalising and decriminalising drugs

Is drug addiction a disease? Substance Dependence appears as a diagnosis in the influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders (DSM-IV). There are medical specialists in the field who use a range of different drug and non-drug treatments for patients who are addicted. There are hospitals and clinics where those who are addicted can seek help. But if it is a disease why is it treated as a crime? After all we do not lock people up because they have cancer, or hepatitis, or heart disease.

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Off- and on-line, an outdated distinction

Almost a month ago the websites of several newspapers and magazines ( reported the case of a young girl (11 years old) from Florida, known as Jessi Slaughter, who had been posting videos online (, which had been picked up by Stickydrama, a social networking tabloid website. One of the videos was a rather childish… Read More »Off- and on-line, an outdated distinction

The ethics of prescribing antibiotics

Antibiotics are overprescribed. That is, they are given out in many cases where they will achieve little or nothing for the patient. On its own, this would merely be wasteful, but usage of antibiotics increases the development of antibiotic resistant organisms and this is bad for everyone. Today's Guardian has an article suggesting that antibiotic resistance could become a *very* big problem, with all major antibiotics becoming ineffective within a couple of generations (see also the original research in the Lancet). This leads to some very interesting questions concerning the ethics of prescribing antibiotics.

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Competing against Mutants


In a recently broadcasted documentation about gene-doping, multiple award winning Swiss science journalist and author, Beat Glogger, reflected the issue of gene-doping in a sensitive and objective manner. In this Swiss-German co-production Andy Miah, a bold British Bioethicist, argued that gene-doping is supposed to be a natural friendly method of performance enhancement, whereas many other practices in the past weren’t. Simultaneously, he considered athletes no more as natural creatures by arguing: “We have to get rid of the imagination, that athletes are natural human-beings” (freely re-translated from the German version). Despite the fact that this statement is rather an anti-thesis than a substantiation for his strident position, I have to admit that the current development in gene technology tends to construct a sort of athletic hybrid. No doubt, this is a serious future issue we have to face. Nevertheless, Andy Miah’s declaration implies that athletes might kind take on a pioneer role regarding the subject of genetic enhancement. Therefore, is that an issue worth considering or even to achieving?

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Do we harm our children by revealing their sex?

by Rebecca Roache

I am over a
month late reading
the news of the Swedish couple who have chosen to keep the
sex of their toddler a closely-guarded secret
, but the story is too interesting
to pass up the opportunity to write about it here.

The parents
of the two-and-a-half year old child, known as Pop, explain, ‘We want Pop to
grow up more freely and avoid being forced into a specific gender mould from the
outset.  It's cruel to bring a child into
the world with a blue or pink stamp on their forehead’.  The wish to protect one’s child from gender
stereotyping is understandable, but is refusing to reveal Pop’s sex going
too far?

Read More »Do we harm our children by revealing their sex?

Publish and be Damned

When should journalists censor themselves?

Last week secret US military files about the war in Afghanistan were published on WikiLeaks. The reaction from the US government was swift and furious. The US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said that WikiLeaks may already have blood on its hands. One fear is that information provided about informants will lead to reprisals. 

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