Pandemic Ethics: Infectious Pathogen Control Measures and Moral Philosophy
By Jonathan Pugh and Tom Douglas Listen to Jonathan Pugh and Tom Douglas on Philosophical Disquisitions discussing Covid 19 and the Ethics of Infectious Disease Control, a podcast interview that was inspired by this blog. Following the ou…
Read MorePandemic Ethics: How Much Risk Should Social Care Workers and Their Families Be Expected to Take?
By Doug McConnell Recently many of the staff at an aged-care home in Sydney, Australia called in sick the day after the report of a CoVid-19 outbreak at that facility.1 Upon investigation of these absences, one of the reasons the workers ga…
Read MoreFestival of Arguments
by Liz Sanders We have reluctantly taken the decision to postpone this year’s Festival of Arguments. We apologise for the inconvenience and hope you will understand our decision in light of the uncertainty arising from recent global e…
Read MorePandemic Ethics: the Unilateralist Curse and Covid-19, or Why You Should Stay Home
by Anders Sandberg In Scientific American Zeynep Tufekci writes: Preparing for the almost inevitable global spread of this virus, … , is one of the most pro-social, altruistic things you can do in response to potential disruptions of …
Read MoreCross Post: Climate change: How do I cope with inevitable decline?
Written by Neil Levy Originally published in The Conversation I recently watched an interview with David Attenborough, in which he was asked whether there is hope that things can get better for our planet. He replied that we can only slow d…
Read MorePandemic Ethics: Should Frontline Doctors and Nurses Get Preferential Treatment?
Dominic Wilkinson, University of Oxford It is mid-March 2020. James is a 29-year-old junior doctor working in a London hospital. Last week, James cared for a man who had become sick after returning from abroad. The man had been treated in i…
Read MorePandemic Ethics – Resources 2020
With all the concern at present about the coronavirus outbreak in China (and the rest of the world), we will host a special series on the blog relating to ethical issues during pandemics. We last ran a series on this topic in 2009 during th…
Read MoreDr Neil Armstrong – Why is Mental Healthcare so Ethically Confusing
Co-authored with Daniel D’Hotman de Villiers In the first St. Cross seminar of the term, Dr. Neil Armstrong talked about ethical challenges raised by mounting bureaucratic processes in the institutional provision of mental healthcare.…
Read MoreAssessing and Respecting Sentience After Brexit
Thanks to a generous grant from Open Philanthropy, last year the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities co-sponsored a workshop with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (R…
Read MoreHeritable Human Genome Editing Can Cure or Prevent Diseases
By César Palacios-González @CPalaciosG More than a year after the fallout from He Jiankui’s announcement to the world that he had edited human embryos in order to made them resistant to HIV, the debate on whether we should move ahead with …
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