Abolish Medical Ethics
Written by Charles Foster In a recent blog post on this site Dom Wilkinson, writing about the case of Vincent Lambert, said this: ‘If, as is claimed by Vincent’s wife, Vincent would not have wished to remain alive, then the wishes of his pa…
Read MoreIs ‘Dad Joke” Sexist?
Written by Neil Levy A dad joke is a short joke, often turning on a pun or a play on words. Here are a couple of examples: Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? It’s got great food, but no atmosphere. A sandwich walks into a bar an…
Read MoreHow Should We Regulate Genetic Enhancement Technologies?
A Guest Post Written by Jonny Anomaly It’s been 20 years since Allen Buchanan and his colleagues published From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice. The book was a landmark, and it repays careful reading. But there is at least one…
Read MoreThe Ethics of Stress, Resilience, and Moral Injury Among Police and Military Personnel
In a fascinating presentation hosted in March by the Oxford Uehiro Centre in Practical Ethics, Professor Seumas Miller spoke about what is now known as ‘moral injury’ and its relation to PTSD, especially in the context of war fighting and p…
Read MoreGuest Post: How Should We Evaluate Deaths?
Written by: Carl Tollef Solberg, Senior Research Fellow, Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS), University of Bergen. Espen Gamlund, Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen. In 2015, there wer…
Read MoreWithdrawing Life Support: Only One Person’s View Matters
Dominic Wilkinson, University of Oxford Shortly before Frenchman Vincent Lambert’s life support was due to be removed, doctors at Sebastopol Hospital in Reims, France, were ordered to stop. An appeal court ruled that life support must conti…
Read MoreRegulating The Untapped Trove Of Brain Data
Written by Stephen Rainey and Christoph Bublitz Increasing use of brain data, either from research contexts, medical device use, or in the growing consumer brain-tech sector raises privacy concerns. Some already call for international regul…
Read MoreShamima Begum and the Public Good
Written by Steve Clarke,Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities and Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford, & School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Charles Sturt University Shamima Begum, who left the UK i…
Read MoreCross Post: Ten Ethical Flaws in the Caster Semenya Decision on Intersex in Sport
Written by Julian Savulescu, University of Oxford Caster Semenya is legally female, was from birth raised as female and identifies as a female. Jon Connell on flickr , CC BY-NC Middle-distance runner Caster Semenya will need to take hormone…
Read MoreCaster Semenya, What’s Next?
Guest Post: Torbjörn Tännsjö, Kristian Claëson Emeritus Professor of Practical Philosophy Statistically speaking, women perform less well than men in most sports. Their top results are 10-12 % worse than those of men. If they are to have a …
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