Introversion and Well-Being
A recent British study has suggested that the exhibition of certain personality dispositions in youth can serve as reliable indicators of well-being in later life . The data obtained in this longitudinal study suggest that subjects who scor…
Read MoreThe Parable of the Islands
Michael Gove, the UK Education Secretary, recently proposed that 5-7-year-olds in British primary schools should be taught about the ‘concept of a nation’. This proposal, along with several others, it seems, is to be dropped. So unfortunate…
Read MorePak-Hang Wong on “Virtuous Climate Making? Towards a Virtue-Theoretic Approach to Geoengineering”
In the final Uehiro Seminar of Trinity Term, Pak-Hang Wong offered a novel approach to the ethics of geoengineering. He argues that if we view geoengineering as a large socio-technical system (LTS), which he asserts we should, then traditio…
Read MoreDoes Madeleine McCann deserve never to be found?
by Rebecca Roache Follow Rebecca on Twitter Several news sources reported today that Scotland Yard has launched a formal investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, following the emergence of ‘new evidence and new theories’. M…
Read MoreCaught in the genetic social network
Direct to consumer genetic testing is growing rapidly; 23andMe has hired Andy Page to help the company scale – especially since it aims at having one million members by the end at the year (currently, since its launch, 23andMe has tes…
Read MoreAre You A Fox or A Hedgehog?
by David Edmonds Follow David on twitter @DavidEdmonds100 Are you a Fox or a Hedgehog? In practical ethics, far better to be a hedgehog. Isaiah Berlin drew a famous distinction when discussing great writers and thinkers of the past. The h…
Read MoreGovernment is good for you so do what you’re told!
We are discussing Huemer’s argument against political authority, where political authority is the special right of government to command and coerce what other agent’s may not and the special duty to obey what government commands. A number …
Read MorePodcast: The Ethics of Infant Male Circumcision
In this talk (audio- MP3 and video -youtube) , Brian D. Earp argues that the non-therapeutic circumcision of infant males is unethical, whether it is performed for reasons of obtaining possible future health benefits, for reasons of cultur…
Read MoreThree person IVF
It was announced yesterday that the government is moving towards allowing so-called three person IVF for the creation of embryos free of mitochondrial disease. The mitochondria are tiny organelles in the body of the cell, concerned with imp…
Read MoreEthics In Finance: A New Financial Theory For A Post-Financialized World
On Thursday 30 May, Dr Kara Tan Bhala from University of Kansas treated lecturees at St Cross to a crash course in Modern Finance Theory (MFT) and its limitations. Guiding listeners through weighty acronyms and weightier formulae spiked wit…
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