Pandemic Ethics: Key Workers Have a Stronger Claim to Compensation and Hazard Pay for Working During The COVID-19 Pandemic Than The Armed Forces Do When on Deployment
By Doug McConnell and Dominic Wilkinson Post originally appeared on the Journal of Medical Ethics Blog While the general public enjoy the relative safety of social distancing, key workers are at a higher risk of both contracting COVI…
Read MorePandemic Ethics: Why Lock Down of the Elderly is Not Ageist and Why Levelling Down Equality is Wrong
By Julian Savulescu and James Cameron Cross-posted with the Journal of Medical Ethics Blog Countries all around the world struggle to develop policies on how to exit the COVID-19 lockdown to restore liberty and prevent economic colla…
Read MoreGuest Post: Pandemic Ethics. Social Justice Demands Mass Surveillance: Social Distancing, Contact Tracing and COVID-19
Written by: Bryce Goodman The spread of COVID-19 presents a number of ethical dilemmas. Should ventilators only be used to treat those who are most likely to recover from infection? How should violators of quarantine be punished? What is th…
Read MoreNational Ethics Framework For Use in Acute Paediatric Settings During COVID-19 Pandemic
Oxford Uehiro Centre’s Director of Medical Ethics, Professor Dominic Wilkinson, has led a UK ethical framework for treatment decisions in acute paediatric settings during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Professor Wilkinson produced the framewo…
Read MoreVideo Series: Is the Coronavirus Pandemic Worse for Women?
Dr Agomoni Ganguli Mitra talks about how pandemics increase existing inequalities in societies, and how this may result in even more victims than those from the disease itself. She urges governments and others to take social justice conside…
Read MoreMaximising Ventilators: Some Ethical Complications
Written by Joshua Parker and Ben Davies One of the impending tragedies of the COVID-19 pandemic is a grave mismatch between the supply of ventilators and the numbers needing them. This situation, as seen in Italy, is predicted to be mirrore…
Read MoreGuest Post: Pandemic Ethics-Earthquakes, Infections, and Consent
David Killoren Dianoia Institute of Philosophy Australian Catholic University, Melbourne People often seem to be stubbornly resistant to change. Consider humanity’s collective failure to respond adequately to the climate emergency. Consider…
Read MoreThe Perfect Protocol? Ethics Guidelines in a Pandemic
Written by Joshua Parker and Ben Davies One question occupying politicians and healthcare workers in the middle of this global pandemic is whether there will be enough ventilators when COVID-19 reaches its peak. As cases in the UK continue …
Read MoreCross Post: Boris Johnson Will Be Receiving The Same Special Treatment Other Patients Do In NHS Intensive Care
Written by Dominic Wilkinson, University of Oxford This article originally appeared in The Conversation In a world where the adjective “unprecedented” has become commonplace, the news of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson being admitted t…
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